Raised Garden Bed Week 6 Update: Blossoms

raised garden bed with tomatoesI finally got blossoms this week!  The past two weeks have been painfully slow in the garden. The weather has had some crazy mood swings.  We’ve had some mornings in the 50s and other mornings in the 80s.  Our days have had temperature variances of roughly 30 degrees. I don’t think my plants knew which way was up anymore.  I mean is it summer?  Is it fall?   Things just sat around and did not much of anything until suddenly we were thrown into the high 90s.  Suddenly my growth and blossoms exploded.  


zucchini and cucumber plants in a raised bedMost of my zucchini blossoms and cucumber blossoms have been male flowers.  I keep checking and haven’t seen much buzzing around my garden so far this year.  I have seen one female zucchini blossom yellow and die from not being pollinated.  I’m hoping for an uptick in bee activity.  I’ve seen plenty around my magnolias, but they are on the opposite end of the house.  I’m hoping when the magnolia blooms fizzle, they’ll find my garden.  Until I see more pollinators hovering, I may have to hand pollinate my zucchini and cucumbers.  

I trellised one bed of cucumbers using a Florida weave style trellis. cucumbers and okra in raised garden bed So far I’ve left the other cucumber bed natural.  I’m undecided about whether I am going to trellis the second bed or not.  I never finished trying to trellis my peas, but the ones that have something to climb on have eagerly attached to closest thing they could climb. 

I added some stepping stones around my garden beds to prevent having to walk on squishy or waterlogged ground when it rains.  I’m also testing material for between and around the bed.  I bought some river rocks and installed them between bed 3 and 4 on top of weed fabric.  I’m very happy with the peas and beans in raised bedresults, and happy that I’m not stepping in mud or tall grass anymore when I step between the boxes.  I need to finish this project then figure out how to finish out the area surrounding my beds.  I am experimenting with some stacked stones to see if I like the look.

I am really hoping by the time I get to week 7, I will have some cucumbers and zucchini on the way.  The tomatoes seem to be coming along pretty well. I am keeping the plants tightly pruned and cleaned up.  

I don’t know if the sudden growth spurt has to do with the fact the plants are six weeks old now, or if it has more to do with suddenly hitting 90 degree days, but with the growth explosion in week 6, I’m excited to see how everything is doing in week 7.  



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