Showing: 11 - 20 of 21 RESULTS

Easy Tomato Trellis

Black Prince tomato attached to trellis

I needed an easy tomato trellis because I have a love for indeterminate tomatoes.   Most trellises I’ve seen just can’t handle these guys well.  If you’ve ever bought one of those little tomato cages at the garden center, you know exactly what I mean.  You pop one of those …

Kitchen Cabinets painted with Fusion Mineral Paint

Kitchen Transformation | Best Way to Paint Cabinets

Today is about budget kitchen transformations and the best way to paint cabinets.  So one thing that has bothered me since we moved in to our house is that our kitchen is so dark.   The kitchen is on the east side of the house so bright light is limited …

Raised Garden Bed Week 2

Raised Garden Beds One and Two Weeks After Planting

It’s most economical to plant your raised garden bed using seeds. When it comes to my vegetable garden that I grow in raised beds I greatly prefer growing my veggies from seed.  I currently have 96 square feet of beds and it would be ridiculous to try to do that …

Best way to make a new flower bed

Best Way to Add a New Flower Bed

Adding a flower bed does not have to be hard.  After trial and error, I have found out in my experience there is a way that is superior.   I find this method far easier while being healthier for your soil.  There is no need to dig up all of …

How to Make Southern Sweet Tea Perfectly

Sweet Tea.  There isn’t anything better on a hot summer, or spring, day than a nice big glass of sweet tea.   Being from the South, I’ve had more than my share of sweet tea over the years.  It’s something so simple, yet so many people mess it up.  Too …

Raised Garden Box with Morning Sun

How to Build a Raised Garden Bed

When I started out gardening, I had no idea how to build a raised garden bed.  While I was convinced of the benefits, making anything was far above my knowledge and ability.  So when I wanted to get started, I just bought those prefab raised garden boxes.  As a result …

Fairy Rose blooming with purple salvia

What’s Blooming in May | Last Week of May

I love spring! It’s amazing how much the garden can change literally overnight. I went away for the weekend and came back this morning to some amazing surprises.   Most of my blooms took a while longer than normal to get started this year.  The cold air wanted to stay …

Direct sow lima beans in my raised bed

Direct Sowing Seeds in Raised Bed

When you want to get started growing vegetables in your raised garden bed, whether you are using the square foot gardening method or just doing your own thing, a big decision is deciding how to plant.  You don’t have many options, but there is one option that is clearly the …

high yield vegetable crops square foot garden

Raised Garden Vegetable Beds Prep

Prepping My Vegetable Garden. One of my favorite things about spring is getting to plant my garden!  Fresh okra, tomatoes and cucumbers are unbelievably amazing.  You can’t beat the taste of salad greens picked fresh from your garden or fresh salsa.  The best part is knowing how it is grown …

first rose of the spring

Oh, Spring! Your Weeds are Impressive.

Who doesn’t love a spring vacation?  Especially when it is to a warmer climate.  Even better?  When you get to go for a full month and come back just in time for the warmth to hit full-time at home.   So this was my story this spring.  We spent a …