Looking for the best information about how to garden or pull off some cool home improvement magic? Here are some popular posts.
This is such a fun and easy project for making furniture new again with mineral paint. The furniture in question was a buffet I purchased around ten years ago that I originally used in my dining room. When we moved into this house, I decided to revert to my old …
Planting a new flower bed in the front yard wasn’t my top priority when I moved in although I hated the prior beds. When we moved in our yard was overwhelmingly green. In line with what is normal in our area, the few flower beds we even had were filled with …
I finally got blossoms this week! The past two weeks have been painfully slow in the garden. The weather has had some crazy mood swings. We’ve had some mornings in the 50s and other mornings in the 80s. Our days have had temperature variances of roughly 30 degrees. I don’t …
I had looked for quite a long time for the perfect dining room table before deciding to build a farmhouse table. I was amazed how hard it can be to find the perfect dining room table when you have such strong ideas about what you want. I searched long, far …
I added a new raised garden bed a couple of weeks after I started my normal full sun raised beds. I decided to stick this box behind the house in an area that gets part sun. I have dedicated this bed to greens and vegetables that love shade or cooler …
Ever wish you could create your own garden soil and potting mix but weren’t quite sure how to do this? If you are looking for an amazing garden soil mixture, this is a great one. This soil is perfect for raised beds, planting plants and flowers in ground and potting …
I really didn’t fully understand the process of LVP Installation when I got started. I had watched countless YouTube videos of people installing the floor, but none prepared me for the realities and some of things to watch out for. They make it sound so easy when they are showing …
I’m very smitten with the look of board and batten trim. I’ve always wanted to have it. I’ve obsessed over it for years. Why? It’s gorgeous. It is very simple and classic looking and can quickly dress up and transform an otherwise boring room. Board and batten trim installation is …
Things are continuing to progress nicely for my vegetable raised garden beds. Four weeks after planting I have quite a few tomatoes on the way in bed one. The two black plum tomatoes I planted four weeks ago from seed are interesting. One is seedling size. The other black plum …
I can’t believe it’s already time for my raised garden bed progress week 3 update. This has been a productive week. I really can’t wait to start getting produce. Although I love the ease of direct sowing, I’m kind of regretting not starting indoors early this year. It has gotten …